Image by Pexels from Pixabay

By BGR Staff

Over the 15 years that Buddhist Global Relief has been working to relieve chronic and acute hunger around the world, the challenges to those who would see everyone fed have only grown. The World Food Programme estimates that 309 million people are currently facing acute levels of food insecurity.

At the same time, we at BGR have also seen an incredible blossoming in support from our community of donors. You have spread the word in your sanghas and meditation centers. You have raised funds through our annual Buddhist Action to Feed the Hungry online events. You have contributed your own time and money to provide food, education, vocational training, and agricultural resources to people you will likely never meet. This work continues, and continues to reward us with the joys of dāna, or generosity in the Dharma.

As we look to the future together in hope and compassion, we hope you will consider designating BGR as a beneficiary for a portion of a fund, trust, or life insurance policy. Whether large or small, legacies through future gifts will benefit the needy for decades to come. We expect this organization to continue to thrive, and the gift you give by naming BGR as a beneficiary will directly benefit hungry people, give poor girls the chance to attend school, and enable women to start right livelihood projects to support their families.

If you would like to name BGR as a beneficiary through your will or other asset, or if we can provide you more information on estate gift planning, please contact BGR Deputy Director Patricia Price at: [email protected]

Published On: March 13th, 2024