Mitgefühl in Aktion

Buddhist Global Relief’s European partner organization, Mitgefühl in Aktion e.V. (MiA) [Compassion in Action, in English], is an independent Buddhist relief organization founded in 2019, following an initiative of the Suttanta Community together with Bhikkhu Bodhi.

Working in partnership with BGR, MiA supports projects to relieve the suffering of chronic hunger and poverty worldwide. MiA’s projects are designed to “help people help themselves,” with a strong focus on hunger relief; girls’ and women’s education; sustainability; and emergency aid in crisis areas.

MiA is entirely self-supported and volunteer-run, so that every donation directly supports work on the ground. MiA is recognized as a nonprofit aid organization based in Hamburg.

To learn more about MiA and their wonderful work in service of the Dharma, please visit their English-language website, at



Rice Support for Students in Cambodia 2022

This project with Lotus Outreach International ensures reliable nourishment for people persistently affected by food insecurity while also freeing up limited familial resources for the education of girls and young women.