In the remote region of Padaviya, more than 100 kilometers from the nearest government high school or private educational institution, the children of poor farmers and daily wage earners labor to learn today’s necessary information and communication technology (ICT) skills with insufficient resources. While ICT courses are taught in all schools from grades six to thirteen, most schools lack computer labs, and the few schools that have labs are forced to make do with outdated and often nonfunctional computers.
Under the guidance of Ven. Sugana Thero, BGR partner Karuna Trust is working to establish computer training centers in Padaviya to give students the opportunity to learn the practical technological skills they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world. This project will provide computer training, along with a healthy daily lunch meal, for 40 young people; and will provide practical ICT training for an additional 120 students whose schools do not have computer facilities.
In the remote region of Padaviya, more than 100 kilometers from the nearest government high school or private educational institution, the children of poor farmers and daily wage earners labor to learn today’s necessary information and communication technology (ICT) skills with insufficient resources. While ICT courses are taught in all schools from grades six to thirteen, most schools lack computer labs, and the few schools that have labs are forced to make do with outdated and often nonfunctional computers.
Under the guidance of Ven. Sugana Thero, BGR partner Karuna Trust is working to establish computer training centers in Padaviya to give students the opportunity to learn the practical technological skills they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world. This project will provide computer training, along with a healthy daily lunch meal, for 40 young people; and will provide practical ICT training for an additional 120 students whose schools do not have computer facilities.