Life-changing projects like Child Action Lanka’s breakfast program for children in need in Sri Lanka are made possible through the generosity of donors like you.

A letter from BGR Deputy Director Patricia Price


You, friend, are one of the reasons we can award grants each year to on average 60 program partners worldwide. These trusted humanitarian organizations provide programs that support child nutrition and education, teach community gardening (while providing seeds and tools), and empower marginalized women through vocational training in various marketable fields.

We also continue to provide emergency grants to both U.S. and international agencies responding to the humanitarian disasters we see in the headlines.

Our success is only possible because of you and other BGR friends who chose to support our mission.

In addition to outright gifts, two of our current projects are being funded by two different estate gifts. In both cases we were honored to have conversations with these BGR friends prior to their passing. If you would like to discuss a potential future gift to BGR, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or to set a time to talk.

With metta,

Patti Price
Deputy Director

Patti was among BGR’s founding Board members. She joined the staff a few years ago, after retiring from a 30-plus year career in charitable gift planning in both higher education and nonprofit organizations.

Published On: September 13th, 2024