Food insecurity is a major issue facing the residents of Nairobi’s Mukuru community. Droughts, the high cost of domestic food production, increasing food prices globally, and the economic effects of coronavirus have strained families, half of whom live below the poverty line. Child malnutrition is widespread.


A project with The Ruben Centre is designed to foster healthy, sustainable development for community residents of all ages. Through the Centre’s greenhouse and urban farm, 250 women and young people are being trained in organic vegetable and tomato farming, greenhouse management, and tree seedlings. A school feeding program is providing healthy lunches to 3,200 primary-school students. The caregivers of 70 children under the age of 5 are receiving nutritional education; the children receive nutrition therapy and food donations. Our partner estimates that more than 16,000 family members of project participants indirectly benefit.

Food insecurity is a major issue facing the residents of Nairobi’s Mukuru community. Droughts, the high cost of domestic food production, increasing food prices globally, and the economic effects of coronavirus have strained families, half of whom live below the poverty line. Child malnutrition is widespread.


A project with The Ruben Centre is designed to foster healthy, sustainable development for community residents of all ages. Through the Centre’s greenhouse and urban farm, 250 women and young people are being trained in organic vegetable and tomato farming, greenhouse management, and tree seedlings. A school feeding program is providing healthy lunches to 3,200 primary-school students. The caregivers of 70 children under the age of 5 are receiving nutritional education; the children receive nutrition therapy and food donations. Our partner estimates that more than 16,000 family members of project participants indirectly benefit.