Photo courtesy of BGR partner Mahabodhi Diyun.

By Patricia A. Price

It’s almost fifteen years since Bhikkhu Bodhi founded BGR, in the fall of 2008, and the first Board members and volunteers gathered to define our mission. Thanks to you and other supporters, our humanitarian work will extend well beyond our lifetimes!

We’re especially grateful to friends who have chosen to name us as a beneficiary in their estate plans and—most importantly—who have shared this information with us. We value your trust and future contribution to our mission! Gifts received from estates this past year not only helped us to expand support significantly to ongoing sustainable programs, but also allowed us to provide emergency humanitarian aid to groups addressing current disasters around the world. Together with your wonderful outright donations, estate gifts help us increase grants for projects improving nutrition for at-risk people, funding education for children and especially girls, providing skills training and tools for sustainable home and community agriculture projects, and teaching marketable skills to impoverished women.

If you would like to name Buddhist Global Relief as a future beneficiary through your estate plan or a donor-designated asset (life insurance policy, retirement fund, etc.), please consider notifying us so that we may thank you now for your future gift. I’d also be happy to provide information to ensure that your future gift comes to BGR.

Patricia A. Price is the deputy director of BGR. Contact her at [email protected].

Published On: March 13th, 2023