Among Sri Lankan paddy farmers, water contaminated by agrochemicals is causing an epidemic of chronic kidney disease. Over 23,000 deaths have been reported from this virulent disease in the last two decades, although the due to missed diagnoses the number is probably far higher. The majority of victims are middle-aged men who are the sole breadwinners for their families; their passing devastates their family’s livelihood and food supply as well as their children’s educations. The lack of access to potable water also threatens other community members.
A project from BGR partner Shraddha Charity Organization will fund a survey of community water resources and the construction of deep wells and two reverse osmosis water-purification systems in Kabithigollewa and Laggala. The project will also raise community awareness of the dangers of water contamination and educate the public about the risks of agrochemical use in farming practices. Shraddha Charity Organization’s efforts will directly benefit over 1,000 people; an additional 1,400 people in these communities will benefit from access to new sources of clean drinking water.

Among Sri Lankan paddy farmers, water contaminated by agrochemicals is causing an epidemic of chronic kidney disease. Over 23,000 deaths have been reported from this virulent disease in the last two decades, although the due to missed diagnoses the number is probably far higher. The majority of victims are middle-aged men who are the sole breadwinners for their families; their passing devastates their family’s livelihood and food supply as well as their children’s educations. The lack of access to potable water also threatens other community members.
A project from BGR partner Shraddha Charity Organization will fund a survey of community water resources and the construction of deep wells and two reverse osmosis water-purification systems in Kabithigollewa and Laggala. The project will also raise community awareness of the dangers of water contamination and educate the public about the risks of agrochemical use in farming practices. Shraddha Charity Organization’s efforts will directly benefit over 1,000 people; an additional 1,400 people in these communities will benefit from access to new sources of clean drinking water.