Since its founding in 1977, the Bangladesh Buddhist Missionary Society (BBMS) has provided shelter and care to orphaned children from impoverished families at its Orphans’ Home Complex under the guidance of its founder and director, the Ven. Jivanananda Mahathero. The orphans’ home, located in the rural Chittagong Hills region of Bangladesh, near the Karnaphuli River, currently houses 58 children. A BGR grant supports the purchase of food, including rice, vegetables, milk, and beans, to feed the children for 12 months. This support plays an essential role in their development and ability to engage in school.

Since its founding in 1977, the Bangladesh Buddhist Missionary Society (BBMS) has provided shelter and care to orphaned children from impoverished families at its Orphans’ Home Complex under the guidance of its founder and director, the Ven. Jivanananda Mahathero. The orphans’ home, located in the rural Chittagong Hills region of Bangladesh, near the Karnaphuli River, currently houses 58 children. A BGR grant supports the purchase of food, including rice, vegetables, milk, and beans, to feed the children for 12 months. This support plays an essential role in their development and ability to engage in school.