The ongoing human rights crisis in Nicaragua has resulted in skyrocketing food costs and unemployment, the confiscation of land and personal property by the government, and economic collapse. In the rural communities served by this project, only 25 percent of families have access to safe drinking water and sanitary facilities; 50 percent of the rural population lives below the poverty line, and 11.5 percent live in extreme poverty.
Children are the most vulnerable here. Of the children served by BGR partner North Country Mission of Hope, 47 percent suffer from chronic malnutrition. While there is a mandate requirement for six years of schooling, only 29 percent of Nicaraguan children finish grade school, let along secondary education.
The 22 young women supported by this grant have been supported by BGR over the past five years, allowing them to finish high school. Now they are continuing on to technical and university programs, thanks to the generosity of our donors. Nine students are studying accounting, nursing, English, computers, cosmetology, and culinary arts in technical schools. Thirteen students are enrolled in university programs in psychology, medicine, advertising, international relations and foreign trade, pedagogy, industrial engineering, education, and gastronomy.

The ongoing human rights crisis in Nicaragua has resulted in skyrocketing food costs and unemployment, the confiscation of land and personal property by the government, and economic collapse. In the rural communities served by this project, only 25 percent of families have access to safe drinking water and sanitary facilities; 50 percent of the rural population lives below the poverty line, and 11.5 percent live in extreme poverty.
Children are the most vulnerable here. Of the children served by BGR partner North Country Mission of Hope, 47 percent suffer from chronic malnutrition. While there is a mandate requirement for six years of schooling, only 29 percent of Nicaraguan children finish grade school, let along secondary education.
The 22 young women supported by this grant have been supported by BGR over the past five years, allowing them to finish high school. Now they are continuing on to technical and university programs, thanks to the generosity of our donors. Nine students are studying accounting, nursing, English, computers, cosmetology, and culinary arts in technical schools. Thirteen students are enrolled in university programs in psychology, medicine, advertising, international relations and foreign trade, pedagogy, industrial engineering, education, and gastronomy.