This project with long-time BGR partner Oxfam America builds on the work Oxfam has done with funding from BGR in Eastern Jebel Marra and Belail Localities in South Darfur. The project will support critical needs in the Kass Locality, located in the western part of South Darfur State. Kass Locality is one of the areas most severely affected by the Darfur conflict that began in 2003. Most rural villages have been completely destroyed and people have fled to camps in Kass and Nyala towns. The relative improvement in the security situation since early 2017 has encouraged displaced persons to return to rural areas for farming and re-establishment of their livelihoods. This project aims to address the critical problem of food security by providing agricultural inputs and training in improved farming techniques to a total of 500 households (appx. 3,800 people: 2,000 adults and 1,800 children). It is expected to increase food and cash crop production by 30 percent. Farmers will be provided with crop seeds and agricultural tools and trained in water harvesting techniques as well as suitable methods of vegetable gardening that enable farmers to increase production. New project
This project with long-time BGR partner Oxfam America builds on the work Oxfam has done with funding from BGR in Eastern Jebel Marra and Belail Localities in South Darfur. The project will support critical needs in the Kass Locality, located in the western part of South Darfur State. Kass Locality is one of the areas most severely affected by the Darfur conflict that began in 2003. Most rural villages have been completely destroyed and people have fled to camps in Kass and Nyala towns. The relative improvement in the security situation since early 2017 has encouraged displaced persons to return to rural areas for farming and re-establishment of their livelihoods. This project aims to address the critical problem of food security by providing agricultural inputs and training in improved farming techniques to a total of 500 households (appx. 3,800 people: 2,000 adults and 1,800 children). It is expected to increase food and cash crop production by 30 percent. Farmers will be provided with crop seeds and agricultural tools and trained in water harvesting techniques as well as suitable methods of vegetable gardening that enable farmers to increase production. New project