This year’s Buddhist Action event featured moving video testimonials from young women whose educations were supported through the CATALYST project from BGR partner Lotus Outreach International.

By BGR Staff

On Saturday, October 26, 2024, BGR founder and chair Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi hosted our annual Buddhist Action to Feed the Hungry online gathering on the theme, “The Loving Heart Seeks to Sustain All.” The gathering celebrated all that the BGR community has accomplished recently and inspired us for the days to come. View a recording of the event.

Alongside Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, Dharma talks on the theme were presented by Ven. Bhante Buddharakkhita, founder of the Uganda Buddhist Center; Ayya Anandabodhi, co-founder of Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery and founder of Pārāyana Vihāra Buddhist monastery; and Joan Hogetsu Hoeberichts, Roshi, abbot of Heart Circle Zen Sangha.

The event was guided by BGR Board member Dhammadīpā, the founder of Dassanāya Buddhist Community, who offered a poignant loving-kindness meditation. Rev. Heng Sure performed a wonderful tribute to Guan Yin, the bodhisattva of compassion.

We were also joined by representatives from several BGR partner organizations, including the North Country Mission of Hope, which provides education and material support to girls and young women in need in Nicaragua; the Capital Area Food Bank and Feeding America, which feed people in need here in the U.S.; and CAMFED, which supports the education of girls and young women throughout Africa. Each of these valued partners shared presentations introducing a few of the life-changing projects made possible by your generosity.

We at BGR are deeply grateful to everyone who is participating in this work—those who joined us for our celebration, or who made a donation to BGR or encouraged others to do so; those who embody the living Dharma by volunteering at their local food bank, educating others about Engaged Buddhism and conscientious compassion, standing up against structural inequity and social injustice—or in other ways incarnating the Buddha’s compassion as meaningful action.

We are grateful to every one of our supporters. We could not do this work without you.

Published On: December 15th, 2024