An online Dharma retreat to welcome the new year, hosted by Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi

Retreat session 1: Welcome

For additional videos from the retreat, please see below.

In celebration of the coming New Year, the worldwide Buddhist Global Relief community gathered on January 10 and 11 for “Finding Stability in Turbulent Times,” an online Dharma retreat in support of BGR’s work to relieve the suffering of hunger and poverty around the world.

The retreat was led by BGR founder and chairperson Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, alongside the Buddhist monastics Dhammadīpā, BGR Board member and founder of Dassanāya Buddhist Community, and BGR Board member Bhikshu Jin Chuan and Bhikshu Jin Wei of Dharma Realm Buddhist University. The event included guided meditations, Dharma talks, and discussions led by these honored teachers to support and inspire us for our work together in the new year.

Retreat session 2: Dhammadīpa

Retreat session 3: Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi

Retreat session 4: Bhikshu Jin Chuan and Bhikshu Jin Wei