Winter 2024 • Volume 16, Number 4
We Ignore Climate Change at Our Perils
By Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi • The destabilization of the Earth’s climate system is the most perilous crisis humankind has ever faced. BGR's founder offers a teaching on this topic through the lenses of food insecurity and the Dharma.
Meals for Orphans in Bangladesh
A project with the Bangladesh Buddhist Missionary Society provides food for orphaned children from impoverished families at the Orphans’ Home Complex in the remote Chittagong Hill Tracts region.
The Growing Food Crisis in Myanmar: A Dire Consequence of Military Oppression
Myanmar is facing an extreme, humanitarian crisis driven by political turmoil and systemic challenges. At the heart of this growing catastrophe is a food insecurity crisis.
The Loving Heart Seeks to Sustain All
On Saturday, October 26, 2024, BGR founder and chair Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi hosted our annual Buddhist Action to Feed the Hungry online gathering, a beautiful celebration of all that we have accomplished together.
Buddhist Global Relief funds projects providing food, education, and other necessary support to the world’s most vulnerable people. Many of the communities we serve worldwide are experiencing hunger and malnutrition due to deeply entrenched poverty, systemic inequality, and environmental degradation. If you have the ability to help, please consider making a donation to BGR. You can contribute by PayPal or credit card here or by check mailed to our secured Chase Bank lockbox at: Buddhist Global Relief, P.O. Box 24832, New York, NY 10087-4832 USA. Please continue to send all other mail to: Buddhist Global Relief, 2020 Route 301, Carmel, NY 10512, USA.
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