Meals for Orphans in Bangladesh
A project with the Bangladesh Buddhist Missionary Society provides food for orphaned children from impoverished families at the Orphans’ Home Complex in the remote Chittagong Hill Tracts region.
The Growing Food Crisis in Myanmar: A Dire Consequence of Military Oppression
Myanmar is facing an extreme, humanitarian crisis driven by political turmoil and systemic challenges. At the heart of this growing catastrophe is a food insecurity crisis.
Victory Gardens for Peace
In a visit to Ecology Action's educational farm in Mendocino, California, BGR Board member Daniel Blake encountered a partnership of farmers and community leaders engaged in joyful collaboration as they shared sustainable agriculture strategies under the umbrella of the Grow Biointensive cultivation method.
Food and Education for Families in Myanmar’s IDP Camps
BGR partner New Eden Charity Foundation, a nonprofit organization based in Yangon, Myanmar, serves the needs of the most vulnerable people in Myanmar, including children and families living in camps for internally displaced people (IDPs).
Rice Support for Monastics in the Mountains of Myanmar
A report from BGR partner Insight Myanmar detailing their relief effort to bring much-neeeded rice and cooking oil to monastics living on and around Yetagun Mountain, in southern Myanmar.
Meals for Children in Sri Lanka
Based in child-development centers serving low-income communities, a project with Child Action Lanka is providing healthy breakfasts to preschool children from impoverished families in Sri Lanka.